
On this page you will learn everything about the Onventis font and how to use it correctly. The corporate font of Onventis is Source Sans Pro.
The font consists of a total of 12 typefaces, but only Light and Regular are used. For headline 3 we also use the font in CAPITAL LETTERS.
The specific font sizes and spacing is defined in the Word and PowerPoint templates.

Typefaces that we don’t use: ExtraLight, ExtraLight Italic, Light Italic, Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Black, Black Italic

In certain individual cases it is not possible to use the Source Sans Pro font because of technical reasons. For example, when you create a new e-mail you use the font Calibri to ensure a constant font appearance for the recipient.

The font is made available on your work computer via the IT department so you can use the font immediately.

Headline 1 | Source Sans Pro Regular

Headline 2 | Source Sans Pro Regular

Headline 3 | Source Sans Pro Regular

Flowing text | Source Sans Pro Light

This is Headline 1

This is Headline 2

This is Headline 3

This is running text. Only the running text is written in typeface Light. This is running text. Only the running text is written in typeface Light. This is running text. Only the running text is written in typeface Light. This is running text. Only the running text is written in typeface Light. This is running text. Only the running text is written in typeface Light. This is running text. Only the running text is written in typeface Light.